Melanie Nolker Art


My Inspiration

I describe my art as expressionistic in my use of color and impressionistic in style. I paint with the color palette of Monet. The colors are exaggerated and although you know what you are looking at, my renditions are not literal. I am inspired by nature, by travel, and by the energy of the many artists that I paint with.

Bringing the Color to You

My name is Melanie.

After raising three children and enjoying a career in early childhood special education, I started creating artwork in my middle years. One Christmas, my husband bought me a book called ‘Watercolor for the Artistically Undiscovered’. It was printed on watercolor paper and had a palette of paints built in at the bottom. It took several months and much coaxing to open it and begin painting but since that first day, I have lived and looked at life differently.  The colors are brighter, the contrasts deeper and my joy is greater.  

I consider myself an expressionist and a colorist.  I currently paint in oils with a palette knife.  In my art, I hope to share the joy of color as well as the joy that I feel when creating art.



You can own one of my original creations by contacting me for a private viewing. Many originals are on display at InterUrban ArtHouse in downtown Overland Park, Kansas. You can drop by the ArtHouse and browse on your own — and I highly recommend stopping on the third Friday of each month during Third Fridays when there is often live music and artists to visit with! In addition, my originals are on display at shows across the city. Check in on my upcoming events page for the latest information.


Maybe you want me to create a painting just for you — one that will fit in a special place in your home or portray a special place or time in your life. To initiate this process, please reach out to me so we can discuss your individual needs. Commissions vary in scope, size, subject and specifications, so the price will vary accordingly. I am also available to do a series of paintings as well as corporate art installations and more. Drop by my Commissions Page for samples.


Art has been a part of my life since birth — but identifying as an artist was something I found for myself in my later years. What I want you to know is: It’s NEVER too late to explore your creativity! I enjoy sharing my technique with people and hold classes at InterUrban ArtHouse as well other venues in the city. Please scroll down the page for opportunities. If you have a group of friends who would like to host a painting class, please also feel free to reach out to me.
